Compugene Software Online Round Robin  

Clear Reciprocals

Clear Reciprocals

The Online Round Robin system maintains two sets of selection lists for each member:

1) List 1 is a list of the selections the user chose via the selection window and
2) List 2 is a list of the selections that were automatically calculated as a result of the administrator executing the Perform Reciprocation function.

The Clear Reciprocals function will clear all selections in the second list for all members, that is, all selections that were calculated via the administrator's running of the Perform Reciprocation function. If the Perform Reciprocation function was not yet run, then running this Clear Reciprocals function will have no effect.

If you would like to clear the reciprocal selections lists, you can use this function to accomplish that and you can at any time after running this function re-calculate reciprocals by running the Perform Reciprocation function.