Administrators guide to the use of the Compugene Membership System Online Round Robin

View Online RR User's Guide

In the following discussion, you can click on highlighted topics to jump to further information about those topics.

The steps involved in creating and running your online Round Robin are as follows; all steps are detailed below:

1- Initialize your online Round Robin
Users login and select their choices until the last date of the Round Robin, as determined by your setting
3- If desired, the administrator can modify options while the Round Robin is active
4- Collect the Round Robin data

As a designated administrator of your organization's Round Robin, you have the ability to:
How to do all this and more is explained in the information presented here; please note that your organization may choose to designate one or more administrators and each administrator will have the same capabilities. Alternatively, your organization can designate Compugene Software as your sole administrator.

Steps to follow as an administrator to set up and process your online Round Robin

Suggestion: If your organization already has its own web site, you can easily modify your web page to add a link to point to the Online Round Robin so that your users can go to it directly from your existing web site. Simply have your web site administrator add the following code to your web site's HTML:
<a href="">RR Login</a>

Decide on the settings you want for your system options:

- determine the text and layout of the e-mail that you want sent to members when a member is assigned a new username and password; you can accept the default text (see below).
- determine what message, if any, you want displayed to your members when they successfully log in to the system; you can change this message whenever you want to; the default is no welcome message.
-  determine the various system options, explained below in the section headed View/Update System Options.

Initializing your RR System

1- Start the 
Compugene Membership System on your pc.

2- Ensure all pertinent member data is entered into your database;  you should enter all available e-mail addresses for all your members into the Compugene Membership System (CMS) database. A member's e-mail address will be used to send an e-mail to that member when his username/password is created.
For those members that do not have e-mail addresses, you can use the CMS program to print letters on your printer indicating the username and password assigned and then mail those letters to the members that do not have e-mail addresses.
You can also set up to three different member types in the Additional window that you can then reflect on the Selection window of the 
online RR system. For example, you can have a member type of Regular and Officer in your database and then display two separate lists on the selection window, one with all Regular members and one with all Officers.

3- Click the View button on the tool bar to display the View button on the Main Window and click this View button

4- Click the Additional button on the View window that is displayed

5- Click the Mishloach Manot button on the Additional window that is displayed

6- Click the menu item that says "Online RR"  and select "Set Online RR Administrative Values".

7- Fill in all pertinent information in this window and then select the menu item
"Review E-mail Template", where you can set the format of the e-mail that will be sent to members when a member is assigned a new username and password. See below for additional information on the E-mail Template.

8- Click the menu item that says "Online RR"  and select "Create and Send".; you will get a message indicating that data is now in the clipboard and also in a file whose name will be displayed in the message.

9- Create an e-mail on your pc with the e-mail system that you use (such as AOL or Outlook) and attach the file created in step 9 to this e-mail and send it to with a Subject line of "Online RR". Once Compugene Software receives your e-mail, your data will be entered into the 
online RR system. As the data you provided is entered into the system, an e-mail will be sent to each member's e-mail address with their newly assigned username/password. When this process is completed, you will be notified via e-mail.

Once your
online RR has officially ended and all your members have selected their choices, perform the following steps to get the online RR data into the
Compugene Membership System database on your pc:

1- Log in to the 
online RR system with your administrator username/password and select the button labeled Send Selections Via E-mail. This will e-mail all member selections in coded form to the e-mail address(es) associated with your username. Once your receive this e-mail, proceed to the next step.

Start the 
Compugene Membership System on your pc

3- Click the View button to display any member

4- Click Additional on the View window

5- Click Mishloach Manot on the Additional window

6- Click the menu item that says "Online RR"  and select "Import from e-mail".  A text box will appear. Copy the data from the e-mail you received in step 1 above; paste it into the text box that appears and click OK. All the 
online RR system member selections will be automatically entered into the Compugene Membership System database on your pc. At this point you can perform the standard RR processing, such as reciprocation.

Performing Administrative Functions

After logging in, if you are a designated administrator, you will see the following Welcome window:
The administrator-only section will appear if you are a designated administrator; regular members will not see this section.

RR Administrator Welcome Screen

The first time you get access, you should review the settings in the View/Update System Options section.

View/Update System Options

system options
system options, section 2

Selecting the View/Update System Options button will display a window (see example, above) that will allow you, as administrator, to view and set parameters that control the formatting of windows that will appear to your users and also set other values that control the behaviour of your Online Round Robin.

First administrator option:

Welcome window message line(s) to be displayed:
The first option on the systems options window is a text box where you can specify message lines that will appear in the message area of the welcome window, which is the first window a user sees after successfully logging in; you can use HTML tags to format the message lines; e.g. <center>Line</center>  would cause centering of a line; you can also use symbolics in the message text - they will be substituted for their assigned values before the message is displayed. The following symbolics can be used in the welcome message (see the section on "View/Update E-mail Template", below, for more details on symbolics):

&ewinstit          the full name of your organization as you want it to appear in e-mails and in the welcome window mesage
&ewhowtosay   your choice of "Round Robin", or "Mishloach Manot" or whatever you choose to call the online Round Robin
&ewenddate     the last date that members can update their Round Robin selections online
&ewadmin        the name of your online Round Robin administrator
&ewpurim         the civil date on which Purim will next fall
&ewendstmt     any text; can include other symbolics

For additional assistance, please contact Compugene Software.

The second set of administrator options consists of choices that you set to determine the following: The third set of administrator options pertain to values that can help control your round robin: The fourth set of administrator options is related to your Round Robin charges; this is helpful if you specified Y in the option above to display your charges

View/Update E-mail Template

The standard text of the e-mail that will be sent to a member when his username/password is assigned appears as follows:

To &ewfirst &ewlast: You have been assigned the following Username and Password to allow you to access the Compugene Membership System     on-line Round Robin system and select your RR choices as a member of your organization, &ewinstit:

Username: &ewid
Password: &ewpw

Please keep these values in a safe place and use them to login to the RR system.
To login, click on the following link or use your web browser to go to or, go to website and click the link that says 'RR Login'.

If you need further information, or to change your password, please contact the RR administrator for your organization, &ewinstit.

Thanks for using the Compugene Membership System by Compugene Software!

Note that the words above in red are known as symbolics and will have values substituted for them at the time the e-mail is produced.
The permitted symbolics for e-mail and their substitution values are as follows; those that have * next to them can also be used in the Welcome Window message:

&ewfirst  member's first name(s)
&ewlast  member's last name
&ewinstit * name of organization
&ewid username assigned
&ewpw  password assigned
&ewhowtosay * your choice to call it Round Robin, or Mishloach Manot or whatever you choose
&ewenddate * the last date that members can update their Round Robin selections online
&ewendstmt * text to place in the e-mailed form letter when a username is assigned (max 200 chars)
&ewadmin * the name of your Online Round Robin administrator
&ewpurim * the civil date on which Purim will next fall

You can modify this text and click Update to save your modified template.

View/Update Member Data
Selecting this button will display a window that will allow you to display and/or modify details for a member of your organization. You, as the administrator, can change the username, the password, the e-mail address(es) and other details of a member.  

Member names to select on this window will normally display as member names in the dropdown box. You can change the selection box to display usernames by clicking the check box that says "Show by id?" and clicking the Refresh button.

1) If you want to change a member's username, the new username selected must be unique, not just in your organization but in any organization that is using the Compugene Software round robin system. Since you can't know all usernames that are currently in use by all organizations before you choose a username, if you choose a username that is already in use, you will be notified of that fact and will be able to select a different username.

If you select the option (see above, "View/update system options") that does not permit members to change their own passwords, only an administrator will be able to change a member's password.

3) You cannot modify the member's round robin selections.

4) You can assign another member as administrator by setting the Admin code for that member to 1; to remove administrator rights from a member, set the Admin code for that member to 0.  Any number of members can have administrator rights.

Names/Passwords, Selections:

Choosing this selection will return to you 2 different batches of data in 2 textboxes on the displayed window:

1-Batch 1: the usernames, passwords and unique id numbers for all members in the system and
2-Batch 2: the Round Robin choices that all members have selected in the on-line Round Robin

You can copy and paste this information into the 
Compugene Membership System to perform the following 2 tasks:

1- Batch 1:  you copy and paste this data into the appropriate section of the 
Compugene Membership System running on your pc and then produce printed letters to members informing them of their newly assigned usernames and passwords if for some reason you don't want to use the online system's ability to automatically send e-mail to users as it assigns usernames and passwords OR you have users that do not have e-mail addresses and require that a letter informing them of their usernames and passwords must be sent via regular mail and not via e-mail.

2- Batch 2:  you copy and paste this data into the 
Compugene Membership System at the appropriate section to update your Round Robin information by posting all member's online choices into your local CMS database. An alternative way to do this is to use the option detailed below, "Send selections via e-mail". Either option can be used to get the member choices into your local database.

Send Selections Via E-mail:

When this button is selected, all round robin selections of all members will be e-mailed to your e-mail address; once you receive this e-mail, follow the instructions in the e-mail to cut and paste the contents into the text box of the 
Compugene Membership System that is set to receive such information; when you do this, all member round robin selections will be entered into your database. Note: any existing selection data in your database for a member is deleted and replaced by any new data that is entered for that member via this technique.