Compugene Software Online Round Robin  

Customize Welcome Message

Customize Welcome Message

The first option on the systems options window is a text box where you can specify message lines that will appear in the message area of the welcome window, which is the first window a member sees after successfully logging in; you can use HTML tags to format the message lines; e.g. <center>Line</center>  would cause centering of a line.
You can also use symbolics in the message text - they will be substituted for their assigned values before the message is displayed. Note that you can set the values of some symbolics, but others are system values that are set automatically by the system.

The following symbolics can be used in the welcome message. Please see the section on Customizing your display values, for more details on how to set and view the values for symbolics. Note that values in green can be set by the administrator but values in blue are set by the system and cannot be modified:

&ewinstit The full name of your organization as you would like it to appear in e-mails and in this welcome window message
&ewhowtosay Your choice of "Round Robin", or "Mishloach Manot" or whatever you choose to call the online Round Robin
&ewenddate The last date that members can update their Round Robin selections online
&ewadmin The name of your online Round Robin administrator
&ewendstmt Any text; can include other symbolics; e.g.: Your Purim &ewhowtosay will end on &ewpurday, &ewpurfull
&ewpurfull Date of next Purim as Month dd, yyyy (you can't modify this value); e.g.: March 20, 2011
&ewpurim The civil date on which Purim will next fall in the form mm/dd/yy (you can't modify this value); e.g.: 3/20/2011
&ewpurday Day of week of next Purim (you can't modify this value); e.g.: Sunday