Compugene Software Online Round Robin  

Customize Your E-mail Template

Customize E-mail Template

The standard default text of the e-mail that will be sent to a member when you select the Send Notifying E-mails function appears as follows. You can modify this text and click the Update button to save your modified template.

To &ewfirst &ewlast:

You have been assigned the following Username and Password to allow you to access the Compugene Software on-line Round Robin and select your RR choices as a member of your organization, &ewinstit:

Username: &ewid
Password: &ewpw

Please keep these values in a safe place and use them to login to the Round Robin system.
To login, click here or use your web browser to go to or, go to website and click the link for "Round Robin Login".

If you need further information, or to change your password, please contact the RR administrator for your organization, &ewinstit.

Thanks for using the Compugene Software Online Round Robin!

Note that the words above in red are known as symbolics and will have values substituted for them at the time the e-mail is produced.
The permitted symbolics for e-mail and their substitution values are as follows:

&ewfirst  member's first name(s)
&ewlast  member's last name
&ewinstit* name of your organization
&ewid membername assigned
&ewpw  password assigned
&ewhowtosay* how you would like to refer to the Round Robin, such as "Round Robin" or "Mishloach Manot" or whatever phrase you choose
&ewenddate* the last date that members can update their Round Robin selections online
&ewendstmt* text to place in the e-mailed form letter when a membername is assigned (max 200 chars)
&ewadmin* the name of your Online Round Robin administrator
&ewpurim* the civil date on which Purim will next fall
* indicates this symbolic value can also be used in the Welcome Window